Commendations may be filed through the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office website, in-person at the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office, U.S. Mail, telephone, or anonymously.
Commendation letters are sent through the employee’s chain of command. The employees generally report to a Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain or Major, but as the Sheriff of Cumberland County, the Chief Deputy and I want to know the work ethic of our employees personally.
Employees receive annual performance and development reviews. Positive job performance and feedback ensure that employees are meeting or exceeding expectations.

Please click on the link below to complete the commendation form.
Commendation Form
Supervisor – Captain Melissa Hill – (910) 321-6753
Lt. Jay Yergeau – (910) 321-6814
SSgt. Bruce Morrison– (910) 321-5419
Paralegal – Jessica Boone – (910) 677-5420
* Contact us via Email.
Hours of Operation: M – F 8:00am – 5:00pm
After hour emergencies should contact the Watch Commander at (910) 677-5432