If you have an emergency, or you need to report a crime in progress, please CALL 911, and report the emergency and the crime to the 911 operator/dispatcher.
With the exception of a 911 emergency, incidents or criminal activity should be reported to the law enforcement agency that covers the area where the crime or incident took place.
To report any crime activity our citizens are asked to call Crimestoppers at 483-TIPS (8477) or toll free 866-542-TIPS (8477) if they have information regarding criminal activity. This number is manned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and is designated for Crimestoppers information only. All Calls are kept in complete confidence. If the information you provide leads to an arrest, you can receive a reward, as determined by a citizen board, of as much as $1000. The amount of the reward varies, depending upon factors such as the information given, the nature of the crime committed and the value of any property or narcotics seized. Also, Crimestoppers pays cash rewards for any information that results in the arrest of fugitives from justice or anyone committing a felony or serious misdemeanor.
Please visit Crime Stopper website for more info:

You can also submit any crime related activity information info by visiting the following link:
For the mobile convenience you can download the P3Tips app free of charge for iPhone and Android platforms: