Emergency Help? Call 911
The Federal Victim and Witness Protection Act and the North Carolina Fair Treatment for Victims and Witnesses Act directs that certain services be made available to victims and witnesses of serious crimes, as well as to the families of murder victims and to seriously injured children.
One of the first things to pay attention to is your need to feel safe. Take precautions to make yourself feel safe, enabling you to restore some sense of being in control.
Know Your Rights…
As a citizen of Cumberland County you are entitled to the following:
(2019-216, s. 3.)
- A victim of crime shall be treated with dignity and respect by the criminal justice system.
- A victim has the following rights:
- The right, upon request, to reasonable, accurate, and timely notice of court proceedings of the accused.
- The right, upon request, to be present at court proceedings of the accused.
- The right to be reasonably heard at court proceedings involving a plea that disposes of the case or the conviction, sentencing, or release of the accused.
- The right to receive restitution in a reasonably timely manner, when ordered by the court.
- The right to be given information about the crime, how the criminal justice system works, the rights of victims, and the availability of services for victims.
- The right, upon request, to receive information about the conviction or final disposition and sentence of the accused.
- The right, upon request, to receive notification of escape, release, proposed parole or pardon of the accused, or notice of a reprieve or commutation of the accused’s sentence.
- The right to present the victim’s views and concerns in writing to the Governor or agency considering any action that could result in the release of the accused, prior to such action becoming effective.
- The right to reasonably confer with the district attorney’s office.
- This Article does not create a claim for damages against the State, any county or municipality, or any State or county agencies, instrumentalities, officers, or employees.
Click the links below for resources and information:
E-File locations Electronically File (E-File) for a 50-B Protection Order – Locations Flyer
Victims Rights – The Crime Victims’ Rights Act / State and National Resources for Victims
Who Can Help – Local Community Services Available to Victims
Victim & Witness Coordinator – (910) 677-5454
* Contact us via E-mail
Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Call 911 for after hours emergency help!